Comprehensive vet care is extremely important for pets of all types. If you fail to provide your pet with routine checkups, there is a possibility that a condition that requires treatment is not noticed. This, in turn, could cause the pet great distress and perhaps a worsening of symptoms, sometimes even leading to a life-threatening condition. Contact Animal Wellness Center of Bonita in Bonita Springs to make an appointment for veterinary care. Here are some services our veterinarian will provide during a well-visit.
Your Pet’s Vitals Are Documented
Our veterinarian will first check your pet’s temperature and take their weight. This is a normal portion of a routine examination and the information is documented so it can be looked back upon during subsequent appointments. If there is a drastic change in numbers, it is an indication that your pet is suffering from a medical condition. Our vet will know to conduct further tests if this occurs, helping to get your pet treatment right away.

The Body Is Checked in Detail
Next, our veterinarian will check over your pet’s body from nose to tail. Each part of the body is looked at in detail to ensure there is nothing that appears out of the ordinary. Our vet may palpate your pet’s stomach, check their eyes, ears, nose, and mouth for signs of a medical problem, and move around each of the limbs to ensure they are working as they should. If you have a particular concern, let our veterinarian know so that part of their body can be evaluated closely. Our vet also provides cleaning of your pet’s teeth and ears and will clip their nails or claws as needed.
Preventative Actions Are Taken
If your pet is overdue on vaccinations, our vet can handle administering them during a comprehensive examination. First, the pet will need the evaluation conducted to ensure they are healthy enough for the vaccinations being given. In addition to immunizations, our veterinarian is available to insert a microchip into your pet’s body if you wish. This will help in finding you, should your pet become found. We also provide prevention against parasites of all types including fleas, ticks, heartworm, roundworms, and ear mites. These require medication in a topical or oral form and you may need to keep on top of subsequent dosages to keep your pet well-protected. Our vet will also discuss spaying or neutering your pet if it has not yet been altered.
If your pet is ready for comprehensive vet care, contact Animal Wellness Center of Bonita in Bonita Springs to make an appointment with our veterinarian. Our office can be reached by calling 239-405-8387.